
Margate Kent +

Trinity Square And More

“If our myths and truths are only another exotic blossoming, the free play of possibility, then they are fully as real and as worthy of respect as anything else.” The Death of Adam, Marilynne Robinson

Margate is a town of firsts. The first Georgian square built at a seaside resort (Cecil Square). The world’s first sea bathing hospital. First for beach donkeys. First for deckchairs. The originality stretches into the naming of its spaces and places. Buenos Ayres is the earliest major terrace (Georgian although much Victorianised) between the Royal Sea Bathing Hospital and Old Town. A meandering dander down Canterbury Road onto Marine Terrace offers up Artisans and Adventurers (décor and jewellery shop); Handsome Freaks (clothes shop); The Happy Dolphin (guest house); The Mechanical Elephant (Wetherspoon pub); Ruskin de la Mer (souvenirs and beachwear); and Sunset Rock Shop (sweetshop).

“It all comes down to the mystery of the relationship between the mind and the cosmos.” The Death of Adam, Marilynne Robinson